Under the title “Lost in VET? Status Quo of and Perspectives on Comparative VET Research” international researchers and experts met in Cologne for the third G.R.E.A.T. conference.
Prof. Dr. Matthias Pilz, head of the center, was very pleased to welcoming about 50 leading experts from all over the world. During different sessions, the conference delegates discussed about international challenges and perspectives on VET, such as policy and comparative research. Special emphasis is placed on methodological approaches of international comparison and its strengths and challenges. Additionally the conference provided an excellent opportunity for an international exchange of experiences and knowledge about future research questions as well as for fruitful interdisciplinary networking.
The G.R.E.A.T. conference was proudly hosted by Prof. Dr. Thonemann, Vice Dean of the Faculty of Management, Economics and Social Sciences of the University of Cologne, who also welcomed the guests in an opening speech.
In her keynote speech, Prof. Dr. Karen Evans, Emeritus Professor at UCL Institute of Education, UK, addressed the huge role which comparative VET research plays in highlighting urgent questions in society and science.
Prof. Dr. Christoph Winch from King’s College in London, UK, presented his ideas about effective VET policy making under the title “VET Policymaking requires conceptual clarity. The strange case of learning outcomes-based policy tools in the EU”.
After two inspiring days, the participants concluded that Comparative VET research is everything but “lost”.