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Chair of Business Education and International VET Research

The Chair of Business Education and International VET Research is involved in a variety of research projects.

Our main areas of research are:

  • the transitional research between education and employment systems,
  • the individualisation and differentiation of educational pathways,
  • the development and evaluation of teaching units and teaching-learning arrangements in economics teaching,
  • the school development research, 
  • curriculum research and 
  • the implementation and design possibilities in the field of e-learning

In the context of international comparative vocational education and training research, we devote ourselves to country studies and specific comparisons, further develop the instruments and methods of comparative research, publish on an international level and are active in international research networks.

Further information on projects in international comparative vocational education and training research can be found on the homepage of the German Research Center for Comparative Vocational Education and Training (G.R.E.A.T.).