Recognition of Good VET practices for refugees (RecoVET)
Applicant institution: Chair of Economic and Social Pedagogy at the University of Cologne
The project "Recognition of Good VET practices for refugees" is based on the preliminary project under Erasmus+ "Indicators of Good VET practice for refugees" (GoodVET). In the preceding project GoodVET, experiences were gathered regarding vocational training programs for the integration of refugees from various actors. The practical experiences were aggregated to quality indicators. A handbook, a collection of best practices and an online analysis tool for self-reflection with the target group of vocational training institutions were created. So far, however, a concept is missing that would allow external quality auditors to evaluate and recognise vocational training programs for refugee integration on the basis of the quality indicators identified in GoodVET.
The present project "Recognition of Good VET practice for refugees" takes up this need and develops a concept for the external evaluation and recognition of specific quality of refugee integration based on the results from Good VET. The concept of quality recognition is transferred into three products. Firstly, they consist of an online training course for quality auditors to prepare them for the specific challenges of refugee integration. As a second product, a supplementary handbook for quality recognition and accompanying literature for the online training will be developed. The third product is a practice-oriented toolbox for the implementation of evaluation and recognition. All three products will be tested and improved in advance by representatives of the target group to ensure product quality. The practical relevance of the products is additionally guaranteed by the close exchange with the associated practice partners.
The project is carried out by an international team from Italy, Spain, Austria, and Germany and is scheduled to last two and a half years. The majority of the people in the project team have already worked together successfully in the previous GoodVET project and are very familiar with the topic. The choice of the project partners reflects the diverse framework conditions of the EU and the countries of the classical refugee route in the EU. The project results will be published on the EU level in English and on the national level in the national languages of the project partners and additionally in Danish. The project results are also transferable to other EU countries.
General concepts of quality recognition for educational institutions cannot cover the specifics of refugee integration through vocational training. The project results are particularly innovative because they enable quality auditors to focus on specific challenges in vocational refugee integration. The combination of online training, supplementary manual and toolbox takes into account both the necessary level of the concept of quality recognition and the didactic training of quality auditors.
External evaluation and recognition of integration work in vocational training institutions can make the specific quality of the measures visible for refugees as well as for future employers. In addition to the improved participation of refugees in vocational training, this also leads to the facilitation of social integration and an improved transition to employment.