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Selected Publications


Naeve-Stoss, N. (2018). Individual-Oriented Curricula: A Challenge for Teachers at Vocational Schools in Germany. In L. Moreno Herrera, M. Teräs & P. Gougoulakis (eds.), Emergent Issues in Vocational Education & Training. Voices from cross-national research (p. 90-114). Sweden: Premiss.



Naeve-Stoß, N. (2017). The need of developing a self-critical experimental attitude – intentions, concepts and consequences for vocational teacher education. From F. Kaiser & S. Krugmann (publ.), Social Dimension and Participation in Vocational Education and Training. Proceedings of the 2nd conference “Crossing Boundaries in VET” (p. 237-240). Rostock: University of Rostock. Online

Naeve-Stoß, N., & Seeber, S. (2017). Teacher competence and teacher action: Modelling approaches and selected research findings. From J. Wang, X. Feng & J. Rützel (publ.), Vocational school teacher training in the People's Republic of China and in the Federal Republic of Germany. Professionalisation - Competences - ChallengesB (p. 40-66). Shanghai: Tongji University Press.

Tramm, T., & Naeve-Stoß, N. (2017). Practical phases in teacher training: It depends on what you make of it. Experiences with the core internship at the University of Hamburg. From J. Schlicht & U. Moschner (publ..), Vocational training at the border between business and education. Commemorative publication for Fritz Klauser on his 60th birthday. (p. 285-306). Wiesbaden: Springer Fachmedien.

Casper, M., Dilger, B., Fischer, F., Fütterer, K., Naeve-Stoß, N., & Tramm, T. (2017). Development of vocational schools in the regional network. From J. Seifried, S. Seeber & B. Ziegler (publ.), Yearbook of Vocational and Business Education Research 2017 (p. 171-184). Opladen: Budrich.



Naeve-Stoß, N., & Tramm, T. (2016). Research-based learning in the Hamburg core internship. From R. Schüssler, A. Schöning, V. Schwier, S. Schicht, J. Gold & U. Weyland (publ.), Research-based learning in the practical semester. Approaches, concepts, experiences (p. 88-95). Bad Heilbrunn: Klinkhardt.

Tramm, T., & Naeve-Stoß, N. (2016). Cross-curricular competence development as a curricular planning perspective in the context of cooperative curriculum development in commercial vocational training. From A. Dietzen, R. Nickolaus, R. Rammstedt & R. Weiß (publ.), Competence orientation. Developing, measuring and recognising professional competences (p. 48-70). Bielefeld: W. Bertelsmann Verlag.


Selected Lectures

Nicole Naeve-Stoß (2017, May): Individual-oriented curricula – a challenge for teachers at vocational schools in Germany. VET International Conference, Stockholm, Schweden.

Nicole Naeve-Stoß (2017, March): On the necessity of subject knowledge for curricular planning processes under an inclusion claim 19. Hochschultage Berufliche Bildung, Köln.

Nicole Naeve-Stoß (2017, March): Reflexive and Research-based Learning in Practical Phases - Theoretical Considerations, Concepts and the Viewpoint of Students. 2nd International Congress "Learning in Practice", Internationale Gesellschaft für Schulpraktische Professionalisierung (IGSP), Bochum.