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Finished Research Projects: Since 2009

RecoVETCo-funded by the Erasmus+ Programme of the European UnionGermany, Italy, Austria, Spain2022-2024
QualIndiaFederal Ministry of Education and ResearchGermany, India2019-2023
Multinational companies and local knowledge baseGerman Research FoundationUSA, UK, France, Japan, China, Germany2019-2023
DualRegFederal Ministry of Education and ResearchMexico2019-2022
CodeVET                                  Federal Ministry of Education and ResearchGermany, China, Russia2019-2022
Can dual apprenticeships create better and more equitable social and economic outcomes for young people? A comparative study of India and MexicoEconomic & Social Research CouncilMexiko, India2018-2021
e3-CasesEuropean UnionGermany, Belgium, Poland, Czech Republic2018-2021
BioFit: Integrating basic economic understanding into non-economic courses of study. An example of case-based university education for prospective biologistsStifterverbandGermany2018-2021
Indicators of Good VET practice for refugees (GoodVET)European UnionItaly, Denmark, Austria, Germany2017-2019
AufbaU: Tasks in Business Academic TeachingFaculty of Management, Economics and Social Sciences, University of CologneGermany2017-2019
Work readiness of school leavers in Germany and England: the historical roots and current manifestations of an old problemChair of economics and business education, University of CologneGermany, England2014-2018
Global Strategies and Local Forms of Vocational Education and Training in German Multinational CompaniesGerman Research Foundation-DFGGermany, Mexico, India, China2015-2018
Apprenticeship in the Aerospace Industry in the UK and GermanyGerman Research Foundation-DFGGermany, England2017-2018
Retail Sector Competencies for all Teachers (ReCall)European UnionGermany, Italy, Poland2015-2017
Policy Transfer of German VET evaluation concept to ChinaChair of Econics and Business EducationGermany, China2013-2017
A New Passage to India: Centre for Modern Indian StudiesGerman Academic Exchange ServiceGermany, India2010-2017
ReSeCo: Retail Sector CompetenciesEuropean UnionGermany, Italy, Poland2011-2013
FiFoBi: Fit for business: Developing Business Competencies in SchoolEuropean UnionGermany, Latvia, Austria, Poland, Portugal, Schottland, Hungaria2009-2011
SeSoko-fit: Förderung von Selbst- und Sozialkompetenz im Hauptschulunterricht zur Weiterentwicklung der AusbildungsreifeForschungsverband der Pädagogischen Hoschule Baden-WürtembergGermany2007-2010