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Monday 22nd September 2014


12:00 - 13:30 Registration
[Conference Office, Room S 15, first floor]

13:30 - 13:45 Welcome
[Plenary hall, ground floor]
Prof. Dr. Matthias Pilz
Director of the German Research Center for Comparative Vocational Education and Training (G.R.E.A.T.),
University of Cologne, Germany

13:45 - 14:00 Welcome statement from the University of Cologne
[Plenary hall, ground floor]

Prof. Dr. Werner Mellis

Dean of the Faculty of Management, Economics and Social Sciences, University of Cologne, Germany

14:00 - 14:30 Opening Speech
[Plenary hall, ground floor]
Mr. Shyamal Majumdar
Head of the UNESCO-UNEVOC International Centre, Bonn, Germany

14:30 - 15:15 Keynote Speech I
[Plenary hall, ground floor]
"From Craftmanship to 3-D Printing: Is Vocational Education and Training Research Keeping Pace with Change?"
Prof. Dr. Lorna Unwin
University of London, Institute of Education, UK

15:15 - 16:00 Keynote Speech II
[Plenary hall, ground floor]
"How and Why Do Firms Participate in Vocational Education?"
Prof. Dr. Robert Lerman
American University, Department of Economics and Urban Institute, Washington DC and IZA, Bonn,
USA and Germany

16:00 - 16:30 Coffee Break
[Ground floor]

16:30 - 18:30 Session I
[Plenary hall, ground floor]

Dr. Antje Barabasch
(European Centre for the Development of Vocational Training (CEDEFOP), Thessaloniki, Greece)

The Role of Learning in Labour Market Transitions of Low-Skilled Adults

Dr. Madhu Singh
(UNESCO Institute for Lifelong Learning, Hamburg, Germany)

Role of NQFs for Strengthening Alternative Pathways for Youth in Transition: Evidence from UIL Survey of 33 Country Examples of NQFs

Marthe Geiben and Dr. Philipp Grollmann
(Federal Institute for Vocational Education and Training (BIBB), Germany)


Induction of Job Entrants in Car Service at Midlevel Qualified Occupations in Germany, Spain, the UK and Korea

Moderated by Prof. Dr. Matthias Pilz

20:00 Dinner at an original Cologne brewery “Bierhaus en dr Salzgass” (,
Salzgasse 5-7, 50667 Cologne, Tram stop “Heumarkt”
? Please see the directions and the map in your conference folder)
(Pre-registration to the dinner was required.)