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Wednesday 24th September 2014


09:00 - 09:15 Introduction
[Plenary hall, ground floor]
Prof. Dr. Matthias Pilz
Director of the G.R.E.A.T., University of Cologne, Germany

09:15 - 10:00 Keynote Speech IV
[Plenary hall, ground floor]
"Initiatives in Skill Upgradation: The Case of Centres of Excellence (COE) in Industrial Training Institutes"

Prof. Dr. Tara S. Nayana
Indian Institute of Management Bangalore, India

10:00 - 12:00 Parallel Sessions

Parallel Session III A
[Room S 24, second floor]

Associate Prof. Dr. Christopher Zirkle
(Ohio State University, College of Education and Human Ecology, Columbus, USA)

A Qualitative Analysis of High School Level TVET in the United States

Dr. Oscar Valiente
(University of Barcelona, Spain and University of Glasgow, UK)

The globalization of Dual Apprenticeship Programmes: Challenges to their Implementation in OECD Countries

Sabrina Berg
(University of Cologne, Germany)

Reproduction of Social Inequalities in Economic Education

Moderated by Prof. Dr. K. Kumar

Parallel Session III B
[Room S 25, second floor]

Anika Jansen and Felix Wenzelmann
(Federal Institute  for Vocational Education and Training (BIBB), Germany)

The Opportunity Costs of Apprenticeships

Dr. Angelika Kümmerling and Emma Salter
(University of Duisbug-Essen, Germany and University of Sussex, Department of Education, Brighton, UK)

Education and Social Outcomes for Young People: Promoting Success

Moderated by Dr. Philipp Grollmann

Parallel Session III C
[Room S 26, second floor]

Lorenz Lassnigg
(Institute for Advanced Studies Vienna, Austria)

Apprenticeship Policies Coping with the Crisis: Austria Compared to Germany and Switzerland

Nicolette Seiterle
(University of Applied Sciences and Arts North-western Switzerland)

Training Networks in Switzerland: A New Organisational Form to Prevent Dropouts from Vocational Education and Training

Aurora Lopez Fogues
(The University of Nottingham, UK)

“It is Numerically Impossible; They Cannot Employ Anyone”: A Study of VET Students’ Capabilities in Spain

Moderated by Dr. Thomas Schröder

12:00 - 12:15 Coffee Break
[Ground floor]

12:15- 13:00 Conclusion/ Keynote Speech V
[Plenary hall, ground floor]
"Transition Regimes and Vocational Education - A Comparative View"
Prof. Dr. Philipp Gonon
University of Zurich, Institute of Education, Switzerland

13:00 - 13:30 Wrap-up

[Plenary hall, ground floor]

Prof. Dr. Matthias Pilz

Director of the G.R.E.A.T., University of Cologne, Germany